Spotter Minimum Reporting Criteria


Above all, safety comes first when spotting! If it is dangerous to be spotting, then seek shelter quickly. Use your spotter training to help make safe choices.

Most amateur radio operators are communicators by nature. While communication skills are great to have and practice, storm spotters must also have good observation, focus and self control skills to communicate effectively and timely. During severe weather NETs, we should strive to safely maximize the transmission of useful, relevant and accurate information for weather forecasters, emergency management and the public. At the same time, we must minimize unnecessary transmissions. Spotter observations and accurate, timely reporting are very important during severe weather events. The people listening to our reports are often, if not always, multitasking. The more they stop and listen to unnecessary transmissions, the more valuable time they may loose, or worse, they may miss a critical spotter transmission. During a severe weather NET, stay focused on the event and on storm spotting. There will always be time to discuss other topics and details after the event has passed.

The criteria listed below help identify the most important observations of severe storms.

Minimum Severe Reporting Criteria. Refer to the spotterhandout.pdf

Note: The NET Control Operator may change minimum reporting criteria at any time as deemed necessary.

You must include

Think about what you are reporting before you key the microphone.

What is NOT allowed

Last modified:Tuesday, 23-Mar-2021 at 23:58:17