Weather Notifications via ntfy app or web browser

Automatic weather update and warning notifications from the Norman Warning Forecast Office are available from the WX5FWD Weather Message "ntfy" service. This system is currently under development for products from the Norman Warning Forecast Office (WFO), so expect changes and possibly a few issues.

Notifications are available for the entire OUN County Warning Area (CWA). Future enhancements will add ntfy topics for selected areas of the CWA based loosely on Oklahoma senate districts, plus the Texas counties in the OUN CWA. The selected areas will be for those who are not interested in receiving every notification in the entire CWA.

You can use either the ntfy app or a web browser to receive notifications. The app is available from both the Apple Store and the Google Play Store. Both the app and web browser versions are configured by subscribing to a topic. Note: Topic names are case sensitive

What notifications will you be receiving?

WX5FWD SKYWARN® Team Weather Message Server Topic Names
ntfy Server Name:

ntfy Topic NamesCoverage Area / Counties
OUN Oklahoma: Alfalfa, Atoka, Beckham, Blaine, Bryan, Caddo, Canadian, Carter, Cleveland, Coal, Comanche, Cotton, Custer, Dewey, Ellis, Garfield, Garvin, Grady, Grant, Greer, Harmon, Harper, Hughes, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnston, Kay, Kingfisher, Kiowa, Lincoln, Logan, Love, Major, Marshall, McClain, Murray, Noble, Oklahoma, Payne, Pontotoc, Pottawatomie, Roger Mills, Seminole, Stephens, Tillman, Washita, Woods, Woodward
Texas: Archer, Baylor, Clay, Foard, Hardeman, Knox, Wichita, Wilbarger
OUN_EASTLincoln, Pottawatomie, Seminole
OUN_NORTHAlfalfa, Garfield, Grant, Kay
OUN_NORTHCENTRALLogan, Kingfisher, Noble, Payne
OUN_NORTHWESTDewey, Ellis, Harper, Major, Roger Mills, Woods, Woodward
OUN_OKCCleveland, Oklahoma
OUN_SOUTHAtoka, Bryan, Carter, Coal, Johnston, Marshall, Murray
OUN_SOUTHEASTGarvin, Hughes, Pontotoc
OUN_SOUTHWESTComanche, Cotton, Jefferson, Love, Stephens
OUN_TEXASArcher, Baylor, Clay, Foard, Hardeman, Knox, Wichita, Wilbarger
OUN_WESTBlaine, Caddo, Canadian, Custer, Grady, McClain
OUN_WSWBeckham, Greer, Harmon, Jackson, Kiowa, Tillman, Washita
Selected Individual Counties in OUN CWA
[Click Contact to request more individual counties]
OUN_CADDOCaddo County
Surrounding Forecast Offices
TSATulsa Oklahoma County Warning Area
AMAAmarillo Texas County Warning Area
WxMesg_FWDNorth Texas County Warning Area. Also see
Sun Activity / Space Weather
SpaceNOAA Space Weather alerts and warnings that could impact radio communications

Get the ntfy app if you don't already have it.

ntfy screencapture

Configuring the ntfy app

I run iOS and my screen is not refreshing, what now?

Be aware there is a known issue with the iOS app where the Notification Screen may not show the correct count of alerts, or tell you there are no alerts. The author is unfamiliar with how to program the screen refresh on iOS. You can try pulling down the screen to see if the screen refreshes. It may or may not.

NTFY Recommended iOS Notification Setting
If you are running iOS, here is a recommendation for ntfy notifications.

Subscribing to a ntfy Topic using a web browser

SMS text messages and email are not supported.

Due to the cost and delivery issues, we do not offer these notifications over SMS text messaging or email. Only the ntfy application is supported. If you qualify, similar alert messaging for weather products may be available from Also refer to Click on NWS Weather Forecast Office Product Listing for a complete list of their products.




This service is provided by David McAnally (WD5M) and the WX5FWD SKYWARN® Team without any promise or guarantee. We recommend having multiple methods to receive severe weather warning notifications.

Last modified:Tuesday, 23-Mar-2021 at 23:58:17